JESS Summer School in Athens, Greece
Next session 10 to 24 September 2022 (repeats annually)
JESS started in 2004 and covers hydrogen safety, fuel cell vehicles, related innovation and management, etc. We target university students (Masters & doctoral studies), and post-doctoral researchers as well as experienced researchers and engineers.

This series of summer schools has been ongoing since 2004. The series of summer schools started in 2004 within the EU-project Real-SOFC as a Summer School on SOFC technology. In 2010 to 2012 the EU-project TrainHy then broadened the range of topics to also include low temperature fuel cells, and finally batteries and electrolysers were added. The now ‘Joint European Summer School’ has been running in this format since 2013. We have added a second week of more specialised topics to cover modules such as hydrogen safety, fuel cell vehicles etc., as explained further below. JESS is organised jointly by the University of Birmingham, Research Centre Jülich (Forschungszentrum Jülich) in cooperation with the University of Aachen (RWTH), and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
JESS primarily targets an audience of university students (Masters and doctoral studies levels), and post-doctoral researchers. Nevertheless, more experienced researchers and engineers are just as welcome and have been increasingly taken advantage of the JESS offerings. Many professionals wish to review these technologies and learn about them, for instance, to boost their knowledge for a newly acquired position or collect credits for a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) scheme. The topical content of JESS is tailored to the needs of a diverse audience: newcomers to the field, experienced students, and young professionals working at the forefront of fuel cell, electrolyser, and battery applications.