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Smart Specialisation Strategy in Torino

The city of torino, as well as region Piedmont with its numerous innovation poles, develop their Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3), focusing on strategic priority innovation fields.

The metropolitan area of Torino boosts its innovation ecosystem through Smart Specialisation Strategy S3

The region of Piedmond, and in particular the metropolitan area of Torino, is a historical industrial area. Like other regions in Europe, it was affected by the world economic crisis over the last decades, combined with the aging of its population.

The idea behind the Smart Specilisation Strategy in this area is the identification of the innovation industries that were the most resilient with respect to this crisis. This led the local authorities of the Piedmont region in the identification and promotion of ten innovation poles, i.e. coordination structures among the different actors of the innovation process in a specific sector: innovative start-ups, SMEs, big enterprises, research institutions. The poles provide infrastructures and services with a high added value in order to to stimulate innovation activities through intensive interaction, the common use of installations, knowledge and experience exchanges. The aim is to contribute effectively to technology transfer and to the diffusion of information among the different actors.

Among these ten poles, four are located in the metropolitan area of Torino:

  • Information and communication technologies,

  • Mechatronics and advanced production systems,

  • Sustainable architecture and hydrogen,

  • Biotechnologies and biomedical industry.

In this context, one of the priority fields of the Smart Specialisation Strategy is the innovation of productive systems, in which five innovation areas have been identified:

  • Aerospace,

  • Automotive,

  • Green chemistry and cleantech,

  • Mechatronics,

  • Made in Piedmont.

More on Smart Specialisation in Torino here.

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