Institute for Sustainable Transition and Development - Trakia University
Research, education, professionalisation
The Institute for Sustainable Transition and Development (ISTD) of Trakia University in Bulgaria was established with the support of the Ministries of Education and Science, and of Energy, the Confederations of Trade Unions, the Bulgarian Industrial Associations, and Stara Zagora Municipality, one of three pilot regions in the Just Transition Fund. The Institute is in close proximity to Maritsa East, the largest coal power generation complex in Southeast Europe. The ISTD is key in the transformation of the region to low-carbon energy and industry.
Professor Daria Vladikova is head of the Department of Hydrogen Technologies & Energy Systems; President of the Bulgarian Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Energy Storage Association; a member of the Governing Board of the European Innovation Digital Hub Zagore; and a member of the Clean Hydrogen Alliance Round Table for Green Hydrogen Production. Prof. Dr. Vladikova coordinates KICStartH2 activities in Bulgaria.